LOMAC was released for Microsoft Windows in early 2009.
LOMAC is an entirely 3D flight simulator, which can also be played in first-person perspective. Most of the missions are set in different areas of the world, with the player given free choice of airframe, a diverse weapons selection (or none) and the freedom to fly wherever they want. In the game, players can operate a variety of military and civilian aircraft, while most of them have their own weapons. LOMAC can be played both on a single-player basis and a co-operative (split-screen) basis, with up to 3 players.
The three-player split-screen mode has the players playing in three different roles. The controls are shared by two of the players, while the third one is in an observing and planning role. At the same time the players are able to issue orders to each other, perform maneuvers and manage their aircraft. The player can switch from one fighter to another and also from the ground to the air, as well as managing the player's air refueling.
There are five types of missions in the game:
Friendly: Non-combat, and usually airdrops. These missions can be accomplished by any plane or helicopter.
Friendly vs Aggressor: This mission involves an opposition force of a variety of planes and helicopters. The missions are divided into two phases, which are of equal importance. The first one involves free flight, whereas the second one has an air-to-air combat mission. These missions can be accomplished by any plane or helicopter, but the ground units are available only to the player who owns them.
Aggressor vs Friendly: The game allows free choice of participating players (via the FFA select), aircraft types, airfield, mission type, etc. These missions can be accomplished by any plane or helicopter.
Aggressor vs Aggressor: This mission involves two different opposition forces, which can be mixed, i.e. two friendly players fighting against two other friendly players. The player's task is to destroy the opposition forces. The missions are divided into two phases: free flight and air-to-air combat. These missions can be accomplished by any plane or helicopter.
Event: A special mission type introduced in LOMAC. This mission is available only to the development team at Ubisoft Montpellier.
The maximum number of players in a match is three, and the maximum number of aircraft is five
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